I will not post the whole story here - if you click Bouchon for Two (right here) you will be directed toward my story and recipe. Mmm yes, whether you care for souffle or not, it is a story about Paris, nuts, and love. What the hell more could you want? My souffles are tall, dark and handsome- exactly how i like them.
Souffles, Paris, Love. I remember a while back Aran (pastry chef, author and photographer of Canelle et Vanille) wrote an ode to the souffle as a symbol of romance, and I have yet to drop the connection. A souffle for two is a romantic whisper, a fleeting “spur of the moment” as you have mere minutes to catch its climax before deflation. Similarly, love is a product of chance moments. That is, one fleeting moment stuck among three hundred million other chanced possibilities, the window of opportunity being infinitely minute. A souffle is a mirror image. You are given a chance with every souffle to marvel it before falls, if you miss it you miss it, love is the same way – your chance is as short as a peaked souffle, if you don't take it when it rises, you will miss it, and if you miss it , it is gone perhaps forever. The word souffle comes from the French verb souffler: the breath (gently), to whisper or to blow (ehem, as in a candle). A gentle whisper, perhaps a soft sigh, oh how romantic, how so very souffle.
A souffle for two...what is more romantic than sharing a whisper. Paris is clichéd as the city of love – but is it clichéd? Could it not be true? Perhaps for some, Paris can catch you that one in a million. And then? And then win him over with chocolate and nuts and he is yours forever. Does food always have a metaphor for life? Yes, yes it does. Photographing a souffle relies very little on a photographer's skill, instead it sits on their impulse. Shut up and click, you have two minutes, no time to think, just feel it, press it, capture it. It is now or never. Therefore life and love are your souffle. Take for your own the exact moment you want.
Ah, tu aimes et vouloir plus? Allez vers le blog de Bouchon For Two pour la recette.
a bientot
Well Done Mallory!
I love all sorts of soufflé and this one is special because of the Halzenuts.
I was thinking if you would like to be my special foreigner guest after 20th November, because Tertúlia is 2 years old. Please say yessssss ;)
Wow... Who wouldn't like a visitor that gets into their kitchen and makes a soufflé???
And who wouldn't like to read such a cute prose that talks about love, romance and whispers?
I feel your importance in the blogosphere is growing and the sky is the limit for you! So... Write to Moira and make her happy, because that's exactly what makes us happy non?!
Counting the days to have you close again,
eu também!
I loved the guest post. I must say, you have become much more of the romantic since about june ;) hehe. I absolutely loved the story though. It was the first one i've sat down and read in while, as you know due to my lack of recent comments, but it was wonderful. Well done malmal! :) I wanna go to paris now...can we?
That looks delicious! I've never made souffle before - I will before long and I will be going into it with confidence!
unbelievable how perfect that souffle is. gorgeous pictures. they almost look too perfect to eat.
This got to be very satisfying! I just have to put you on my blog roll so I don't forget to come back ;)
yes, i stick by it. souffle speaks of romance. beautiful!
You know, Mallory, in Brazil we´re very fond of soufflés, mainly as a side dish, for instance, in a fancy meal. The most commons are: de queijo, de cenoura, de brócolis com queijo e o meu favorito, de chuchu.
Google it, if u like the idea...
Just realized that we spell soufflé, in Brazil, like this: suflê or sometimes sufle, an adaptation of the French word...The pronunciation is the same though.
That is without a doubt the most gorgeous souffle I've ever seen. Lovely pics! I wish I had a big ol' spoon right now to try a luscious taste.
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