What do i want to make? was the thought that sat on my mind all week. Why can't i think of something nouveau and creative to wow the masses with. damn it. And why is no one having a birthday! We need birthday cake fuel. My mind is frazzled from mindless work (the kind you make money on) and i can't think of an angle to bake up. The only thought that came to mind was blue. Blue. Blue pastry? I've reverted to primary mode. I think in colors. Excellent.
Like many of you i find unnatural colors in baked goods quite frightening. The bubble gum bright blue ice cream flavor at Maggie-Moo's will always be on my no-list. Sorry E. However, for one reason rather than another, i find macarons to not only be acceptable in unnatural colors, but to be more desirable with each quarter tsp of dye. Why? I'm not sure. Perhaps is the the lackluster taupe-ish hue of a nude macaron, or perhaps it is for the fact that the first macarons to invade my eyes were the bright dye-saturated jewels of the Parisian pastry shop windows that i would stare at on a daily basis. The macaron trees in the Laudier windows, how can you not stare at those. Deep purple, the color of the store, the color of a box of glittering macarons, the color of the sexiest looking sweetie on the planet. Now a vivid macaron image comes to mind; an over-priced pastry shop (perfect for tourists) right across the street from the back end of the church of the Madeleine, late January, and a window filled with a thousand stacked blood-red macarons. Ribbons, bows, trees, glitter. Jesus, what the hell is with these things. When i had (went) to class, i would not take the 40 minutes metro ride home during my 2 hour lunch break. Instead, i would walk 5 minutes down the street, and sit on the floor in the cook-book section of the fnac. 20 different books on macarons. excellent. Did i read most of them? yes. Did i figure out how to make them? yes. and it scared the shit out of me.
I made made them for the first time sometime in October of the following year after i returned to the U.S. And honestly, i found them soothing. Since then i have made hundreds for parties, friends, therapy, and gifts. The last being candy cane and eggnog macarons for a Christmas party which sadly didn't make it onto Salty. The point is, when i need something to make in order to relax, i make macarons. They are nothing special, everyone and their aunt now posts about them ad naseum. But, who cares. I wanted blue. And my babies gave blue.
I don't have much of a blue bias, i love all members of the blue family. Navy, Mediterranean house paint, Tiffany, sky, baby, and of course Portuguese azulejo tile blue. Now, i'm not depressed, no melancholy blues around here today. Just a batch of blue coconut-walnut sweeties, an over-lemony caipirinha, and a surprising soundtrack of norah jones, ray charles, and amy winehouse. endnote.
for the shells:
3 egg whites
2/3 cups ground almonds and walnuts
1/4 cup sugar
1 3/4 cup powdered sugar
1-2 tsp food dye
Grind the almonds and walnuts in a food processor with the powdered sugar. Meanwhile, whip the egg whites in a stand mixer or with egg beaters. Slowly add the sugar and food dye, and whip until the whites are stiff. Turn the bowl upside down, if it doesn't fall on your face, you're good. Pour the nut-sugar mixture into the whites and fold using a spatula. Fold 50 times (Tartelette's tip) and scoop into a pastry bag fitted with a wide tip. Pipe small circles onto a silpat or parchment covered tray. Let them rest for 30-60 minutes. Bake for 10 minutes at 275 degrees. Let cool for 2-3 minutes, and carefully remove from the pan.
for the coconut cream
1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 cup confectioner's sugar
2 tbsp coconut milk
1tsp vanilla powder
Beat the butter, add the sugar and whip. Add vanilla, add milk, and whip some more. Transfer to a pastry bag, and pipe a small amount onto half of your shells. Sandwich another shell on top to finish.
a bientot
Que bonitos! Nunca fiz macarons, tenho que tentar.
Quando te mudares para o Brasil eu vou estar em França.
Espero que faças uma boa viajem.
Um grande Beijo
those are some awesome looking macarons:)
I'm still a little intimidated by macarons, but I must give them a try. You make it seem so accessible and easy for me and every other Jane in the world.
Did you use liquid or gel food coloring?
I love your blog. What beautiful photography! These look delicious.
obrigada moira!
thank you chocolatecup and dawn.
jessica- they can be done by everyone. the first time i made them was with a magic bullet, egg beaters, the back of a pizza tray borrowed from the neighbors, and an oven straight from 1965. you can do it! and i always use powdered food dye, i think it makes a bolder color than liquid and gels :)
Your cookies, and your shots are beautiful as always.
i love these macarons and all the photographs of them - they're just so quietly beautiful! :) glad i found your blog - it's gorgeous!
I just discovered your blog! Everything looks amazing and the photos are beautiful! Enjoy Brasil...I am in the US but my heart is in Brazil and full of saudade. One day I will live there. PS: I'm married to a Brazilian and there is no such thing as a "typical day."
remember how you said in there somewhere that you make them for therapy? i think i need some therapy macarons....or something delicious to make me happy....
ps, the lantern one that you emailed me is my background, just like i said i would make it...love you!!!!!!!!
Querida Mal, If you want to guest post I'd love to have you post! If you can come up with a Brazilian recipe, it would be perfect.
Also, you better start reviewing my K-1 section, I sense you may need it. :)
Have a WONDERFUL trip if I don't talk to you sooner, but email me if you want to post.
No, I don't have 2 gluten-free items in my range---I have 3!! The caramelised coconut cookie is gluten free too, and it tastes amazing!So you should definitely get your ass down here asap. Because, you know, come winter, I'll have something else---and god knows what!!
Those are not bad for a plastic bag piping!! I have to agree that I'm not fond of blue food either, but on macarons they actually seem to be all right.
So pretty! I have been having miserable luck with macarons at home lately, and even in a professional kitchen they can be horribly temperamental (the pastry chef I intern under was cursing them the other night). You're like a macaron good luck charm or something and I can't WAIT to see what a Brazilian macaron looks like!!
So beautiful!! (As always)
Exquisite. I love it!
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