Memory, memory, i'll tell you a bit about memory. Proust....mumble mumble...Proust....mumble mumble...n'est ce pas? Rang the droning comentary of Monsieur Quoi during our stimulating literature course at le Catho--me, averting my gaze from the window framed roof-tops: hmm? ah oui oui, n'est pas, oui oui Proust, quel(le) homme bien sur...attendez--on parle de quoi? Here is what i tread on Proust: (note-i do not imply that i have stomped his marble at Lachaise ) I envy the man and I want a cookie equivalent. I want to twine together a taste with a remembrance so strong that my body physically aches under its pressure. I echo the sentiment of acting mechanically, dispirited after a dreary day with the prospect of a depressing morrow. But then i look down and see my tea. No sight to behold, my tea is always there, my constant companion, the warriors sword, the journalist's pen, Linus's blanket. I want to create a memory with this tea, i muse, though perhaps it would be wise to cease musing out loud. What will i remember it as?

Well we know Proust liked Madeleines, but what about Montaigne? Perhaps a rum cake, maybe. And Voltaire, Rousseau? Rousseau would prefer something a bit hereby; of potpourri in the feeling of having just ingested perfume thus triggering the gagging reflex, not unlike moonlit river boat cruising. But i can see Baudelaire with a nice plump poppy seed cake. What would dead French literary figures favorite food stuff be. Who cares? Exactly. But you know, someone must.
So reader this is now where i ask you for your pity and good wishes--a good luck, a bonne chance, a boa sorte, a shot of tequila, whatever--for this monday i am to take my oral comprehensive exam on French literature (in French) and am one step short of nervously breaking down (ahhh, you sigh, now it all makes sense.) But what do i know about French literature? Let us put it simply as minds are not meant to stay as tabula rasa. Pass the exam and receive a bachelors degree in the French language. Fail, and well...i'm down to one degree. What does a BA in the French language do anyways? Dunno. What do i need a "degree" for to tell me that i can speak French--i think it is evident whether i can or not just by opening my mouth non? But for some reason i want it. And the only thing separating us is a one hour conversation on the dead. Will it get me any nearer to ceasing to feel mediocre, contingent, and mortal--well the tea and cookie did it for Proust. So perhaps the panel members will allow me their audience with teacup in hand.

Your beautiful writing and photos are always so inspiring. Best wishes, luck and whatever else you may need for Monday!! You will do great!
What a beautifully written post, Mallory!! I love how you described the involuntary trigger of memories through the senses---sometimes these memories lurk just beneath the surface, waiting to catch you unaware---just like what those madeleines revealed to you when you dipped it in your cup of warm tea.
I just lost my job earlier this week so I am in need of the proverbial madeleine and tisane, though I can't say that I am devastated by what I have lost. I thought that I would have minded it more.
On the other hand though, memories about food could drive you to the brink of insanity due to the incessant quest on finding that perfect (insert food here). And fair enough that you have eaten said food at some point during your childhood and the taste of lesser replicas at this point in your life revolts you to the core. Or you could be left stranded in a country where said food have never existed, nor ever will. I don't know which is more tragic.
But anyway, you'll do great on your french exam. Just go in bearing a basket of madeleines and a big pot of tisane (for the panel members).
thank you~ i only "half" failed it the first time. at least i get to keep doing it.
its NICE to know my public subjects are only interested in physical cakes and not metaphorical cakes. hehehe. all right all right. let them eat cake then-
your photos are getting so, so good mallory! wow!!
yummmmmmm tea....I want some...you should make me a cup!
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